Hippolyte Labarrière



Refereed Journal Publications

  • Parameter-Free FISTA by Adaptive Restart and Backtracking, Jean-François Aujol, Luca Calatroni, Charles Dossal, Hippolyte Labarrière, Aude Rondepierre, 2024, published in SIAM Journal on Optimization, (html) HAL preprint: pdf, arXiv preprint: pdf.
  • Fast convergence of inertial dynamics with Hessian-driven damping under geometry assumptions, Jean-François Aujol, Charles Dossal, Văn Hào Hoàng, Hippolyte Labarrière, Aude Rondepierre, 2023, published in Applied Mathematics & Optimization (html), HAL preprint: pdf, arXiv preprint: pdf.

Submitted papers

  • Strong Convergence of FISTA Iterates under Hölderian and Quadratic Growth Conditions, Jean-François Aujol, Charles Dossal, Hippolyte Labarrière, Aude Rondepierre, 2024, HAL preprint: pdf, arXiv preprint: pdf.
  • Heavy Ball Momentum for Non-Strongly Convex Optimization, Jean-François Aujol, Charles Dossal, Hippolyte Labarrière, Aude Rondepierre, 2024, HAL preprint: pdf, arXiv preprint: pdf.
  • FISTA restart using an automatic estimation of the growth parameter, Jean-François Aujol, Charles Dossal, Hippolyte Labarrière, Aude Rondepierre, 2021, HAL preprint: pdf.

Thesis manuscript

  • Étude de méthodes inertielles en optimisation et leur comportement sous conditions de géométrie, Hippolyte Labarrière, 2023, HAL: pdf.

Presentations and conferences

  • Presentation of "Inertia in Optimization: Acceleration and Adaptivity", Séminaire DAO, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, November 2024, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "Inertia in Optimization: Acceleration and Adaptivity", Séminaire Machine Learning and Signal Processing, Lyon, October 2024, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "Inertial methods beyond minimizer uniqueness", EURO 2024, Copenhagen, July 2024, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "Inertial methods beyond minimizer uniqueness", EUROPT 2024, Lund, June 2024, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "Inertial methods beyond minimizer uniqueness", Journées SMAI-MODE, Lyon, March 2024, slides: pdf.
  • PhD Defence on the topic "Inertial methods in optimization under growth conditions", Toulouse, September 2023, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "An overview of accelerated methods in convex optimization" at Séminaire SPOT, Toulouse, June 2023, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "Automatic FISTA restart" at SIAM OP23, Seattle, June 2023, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "An overview of accelerated methods in convex optimization" at the Workshop "Images Optimisation et Probabilités", Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, January 2023, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "FISTA restart using an automatic estimation of the growth parameter", Journées du GDR MOA, Nice, October 2022, slides: pdf.
  • Presentation of "Automatic FISTA restart", Workshop MIA-MIVA, I3S laboratory, Sophia-Antipolis, September 2022.
  • Poster presentation of "FISTA restart using an automatic estimation of the growth parameter", Journées SMAI-MODE, Limoges, June 2022.
  • Presentation of "Automatic FISTA Restart", PGMO days, EDF'Lab, Palaiseau, December 2021.